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Bali, paradise with ants

Our adventure in Bali didn’t start too well. Our host – Gede was supposed to pick us up from the airport. The problem was we didn’t know how he looks like, he didn’t know how we look like. He did have a card with my name on it, but we later found out it was written with a really thin red pen and there’s no way we could see it in the forest of other cards around. Airport internet didn’t help much as it kept disappearing and at that hour most shops were closed so we couldn’t get a SIM on the airport. Against all odds we finally found our host and driver. It took a few hours of drive to get to Tejakula with a small break near some temple where Gede decided to pray for a few minutes. When we finally arrived we were exhausted. We couldn’t see much anyway, but what caught our attention was the fact we didn’t hear the sea. We supposed to be near the sea, so we should at least hear it at night?

We’ve had a quick look around the place we were staying in. There was really not much to see there. Right next to the entrance was a huge bed. A small table with a kettle, tea and coffee to the right, a wardrobe to the left. Plus a standard bathroom with a shower. Off to bed we went.

Next morning first thing we saw when we opened the door, the sea! Freaking few meters from our doorstep! So calm it didn’t make a single sound. This view alone was worth all the last night’s trouble and definitely worth the price of this place. In front of our house was a small porch with a table and chairs where we spent a lot of time. We simply loved to sit there and watch the sea. Oh! And there’s internet access everywhere around so you can enjoy the weather, view and do your work at the same time without any problems. Well, with a little problems maybe. The internet connection is not so great. It is good for the location, though so we didn’t complain… Much.

There’s only one thing that at first was annoying, but in time we got used to it. Ants everywhere! And not just one kind of them. On the porch alone we counted at least 5 different kinds of ants! You couldn’t leave a food or drink unattended on the table. Not even in your room. They were everywhere. Some were suicidal and tried to swim in our jar of water. Others tried to wear our shoes. Many occupied the porch and I had to sweep them out there every morning. The other roommates that we had to get used to were small lizards and geckos. Those were everywhere as well. At least we didn’t experience mosquitoes there. I guess geckos helped with that.

Set menu

The owner’s wife – Made has a small family restaurant nearby where we had all our meals. Everything there was very tasty and very affordable. The best value in our opinion was a set dinner. It included a couple appetizers, a main dish of a day and a dessert (usually fresh fruits). By far our favourite dish was Dadar. It’s a green pancake with coconut filling. I swear we’ve had it everyday for lunch it was so good! You can also buy there sea salt that is produced literally in front of the restaurant.

Salt production outside the restaurant

Tejakula is a small fishermen village. There’s not much to do around, but you can rent a snorkeling gear or a motorbike from the host and go for your own adventure. The owner also organizes a range of trips to most famous locations in Bali if you wish to go in a comfort of a car. He’s very open to suggestions so you can also tell him where you want to go, what do you want to see and he’ll plan everything for you. They also offer massages and joga classes. You can have a fun holiday without leaving the premises. We decided to see some iconic places in Bali like Monkey Forest, couple temples and coffee plantation (obviously!). All well worth seeing… and all full of people charging for everything!

Everyone in Tejakula was very nice and welcoming. Local villagers were always smiling, greeting us and some even tried to exchange few words with us. We felt there a bit like a part of the family. Loved everything about the place! Loved walking along the seafront, talking to villagers, watching their culture and rituals. Bali really is an amazing place. Everyone should see it at least once in life. We will definitely come back here again. I highly recommend booking the place we stayed in to anyone who doesn’t like waves of tourists. This place is perfect for a real feel of Balinese life.

Our Expenses

CategoryLocal currencyUSD
Transportation (Plane/Bus/Ferry)211.16
Total (25 days)1481.42
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