• wallet with money around it
    Blog,  Money

    Spending summary for 2020

    It wasn't the best year for digital nomads nor tourists. However, we still managed to move around a little bit and as always I tried to keep an eye on our expenses. Due to the covid outbreak and lockdowns, we were forced to stay in one country for a very long time. At least much longer than we expected.

  • Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
    Blog,  Money

    Spending summary for 2019

    I know that many people are thinking about jumping into digital nomad lifestyle and they often have a lot of questions. One of those is what is the cost of living in such and such country. I have been a bit obsessed with noting every single transaction for years, so obviously I continue doing that during our travels. It's also…

  • Blog,  Money

    Spending summary in Jakarta

    Like I mentioned in my previous post, our priority in Jakarta was a trip to Anak Krakatoa. We knew it's not a cheap thing and we were prepared for it. You should keep that in mind when planning a trip there. Additionally, Mangrove Park was in our opinion quite expensive too. The last thing to keep in mind is that…

  • Shopping bag
    Blog,  Money

    3-month spending in Malaysia

    This time in Malaysia we cooked more meals at home but our groceries were done mostly in big shopping malls so definitely not the cheapest ones. Although, we didn’t really have much choice since all the places we stayed in were far from any local markets. Similarly, any restaurants that we visited from time to time weren’t the cheapest ones…

  • Asia,  Blog,  Indonesia,  Money,  Travel

    Bali, paradise with ants

    Our adventure in Bali didn't start too well. Our host was supposed to pick us up from the airport. The problem was we didn't know how he looks like, he didn't know how we look like. He did have a card with my name on it, but we later found out it was written with a really thin red pen…

  • Symphony lake suria KL
    Asia,  Blog,  Malaysia,  Money,  Travel

    Is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting?

    While Thailand looked like nothing we’ve ever seen before, Kuala Lumpur felt a bit more familiar in some ways and completely different in others. It’s undeniably a huge city with skyscrapers and fancy shopping malls and cars, but you can also find a lot of shacks made of corrugated steel plates and corroded and manually patched cars. After a month…

  • Blog,  Travel

    What it means to be a digital nomad?

    Digital nomad lifestyle is currently very popular among people who can do their work online. Many web designers, programmers, entrepreneurs and some tutors choose to work and travel. Everything depends on your work situation, but as long as you can do your job remotely you can become a digital nomad.